
Wind Power

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Wind Power

China is positioning wind energy as one of the key sources of energy for future economic growth and is actively promoting the construction of wind power generation systems. Currently, China has achieved remarkable results in the construction of wind power generation infrastructure Future research will focus more on operation and maintenance development, i.e., to ensure stable operation of the system and to strengthen safety assessment and reliability evaluation. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop the non-destructive testing technology of wind power generation equipment to extend the service life of the system, reduce the failure loss and enhance the economic benefits.

Electrical cabinet online monitoring

The fan electrical cabinet distribution system may be oxidized or loosened due to external equipment, cables, bus connectors, etc. resulting in increased contact resistance, causing heat, through the surface temperature measurement can quickly find the problem. Internal faults such as insulation deterioration or electrical circuit problems are more hidden and difficult to detect. With high thermal sensitivity and temperature visualization, infrared thermography can detect small and hidden faults and send data and alarm signals in real time to the duty officer for automated monitoring.

Online monitoring of fan cable line

Air seeps into the cable line when it is docked into the casing, and oxidization may occur as the service life grows, leading to a rise in temperature, affecting the efficiency of power transmission, and in serious cases, even triggering cable meltdowns and fires. Infrared thermal imager can monitor the temperature change of the cable line, realize remote intelligent monitoring by setting the high temperature alarm threshold, and judge whether maintenance is needed according to the temperature change.

Inspection of the operation of the main parts of the fan

The bearings, gears and brake discs of the wind turbine are the core components that convert wind energy into mechanical energy. In operation, wear and damage problems are difficult to detect in time through contact detection. The use of infrared thermal imager for non-contact temperature measurement, through the analysis of temperature changes to determine whether the equipment needs to be overhauled.

Wind power booster station inspection

For transformers, bushings, wire clamps and other key equipment, multiple light-loaded PTZ infrared thermal imaging equipment can be installed for uninterrupted cruise monitoring, setting multiple ROI (region of interest) to meet the requirements of reliability and real-time, and to ensure accurate temperature measurement in harsh outdoor environments.

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